The Last Post

UPDATE - Nailsea & Backwell Daily Photo is alive and kicking, smaller I grant you but hey!
Hi all, just wanted to say thanks for all the messages.
It's been a hectic few months and I am afraid TDPhoto can be no more! Due to circumstances beyond my control I have moved and no longer live in Taunton.
I had pretty much decided that my new home was not interesting to support a DPB, but I realised over the last day or two that thinking that was a cop-out.
So, now I am hoping a Tauntonian wants to take over the duties here, drop me a line please!
As for the new home, well I now live in a small/tiny North Somerset village called Backwell. It's pretty much joined at the hip with a little town called Nailsea so stand by for Nailsea and Backwell Daily Photos. Or should that be Backwell and Nailsea...?
Looking forward to Nailsea DP
I see that despite it's name it isn't actually on the sea but on the road from Bristol to Weston-super-Mare and inland from Clevedon, so I'm sure the area around has lots to offer. There's no rule to say you can't post pictures of the surrounding countryside.
Great picture to go out on, hope you stick with it, it's always interesting to see the world through other's eyes.
All the best, whatever you choose.
Sweet Ada Baby!
We will miss your posts.
teeth whitening
She's a doll!
You chose to end with a beautiful photograph - but I love your Nailsea DP blog.
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