Monday, April 30, 2007


Just before they disappear for another year the Bluebell...

The native British version of course, as opposed to the more dominant new Spanish species.

These are pictured close to the castle, on the walk back to town from French Weir.

British, Spanish, French... how international is Taunton all of a sudden! ;)

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Sunday, April 29, 2007


Another photo from down in Children's Wood.
This time a Gorse in full flower - I guess it's a weed, you wouldn't want it in your garden but it does look great on heathland where it is usually the biggest splash of colour

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sun in Vivary Park

Difficult to stay out of the park when the weather is as great as this. A little bit of work in the garden in the morning so I didn't feel too guilty about wandering around in the sun.
Lots of people sitting around having little picnics agreeing that it was the best thing to do on such a great day.


Friday, April 27, 2007

Light on the Tone

While walking down the riverbank I though the light reflecting off the water was worth a quick snap. It was really bright!
Here's hoping for much more sun this weekend.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Willow Fair

The last one from the Willow Fair - just a general shot of people milling around enjoying the day.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Down with the Willow!

Ok so it was a bit too easy - the poster behind the basket was a HUGE giveaway! ;)

This one is even easier... How about these for environmentally friendly, sustainable sending away packages! Classier than the cardboard coffins that are quite popular at the moment and probably even better for the umwelt.

Get yourself one ordered now from The Somerset Willow Company Limited, you never know when you might need it, and until then you could always store blankets inside it :)

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Up with the Willow

Still at the Willow Fair, inside one of the display tents now.

Can anyone see what the very talented chap is weaving? One thing I would have thought would have been updated and built of more modern materials by now, glad it hasn't though - it's nice to see something changed so little since they were first made.

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Monday, April 23, 2007

Willow Music

Another from the Willow Fair - this guy was doing a great job of trying to smile for my photo as he played his whistle and whatever than instrument is he has attached to himself!

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Somerset Willow Fair

Well I am back - a few days later than expected but I have had a week off work and I took advantage of it! I will make up for missing so many posts - I hope!

Yesterday I went to Somerset Willow Fair in Vivary Park in Taunton. It's a little celebration of willow weaving and basket making set up by several small interested parties from the Somerset Levels.

It was a great little event, lots of demonstrations and classes going on, in fact it's still running today for anyone who can pop down! I was particularly impressed with all the work the companies had been doing with the local schools, it seems every school around had some sort of willow monster, dragon, dinosaur or similar to show off. At least one of the schools had created a living willow covered seating area - that will look fantastic in a year or two I reckon.

Anyway - here is what has got to be the biggest, walk-in, woven watering can in the world... unless you know different?

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Thursday, April 12, 2007


Does the Hawthorn grow where you live?

What a tree! I will be burning lots of Hawthorn this weekend, cooking and hanging around the campfire, if it wasn't for those sharp prickles it would be the ideal tree.

I took this a couple of days ago down in Childrens Wood - alongside the river the council planted a tree for every child born in the borough for a couple of years, a nice idea. I wouldn't mind if 'my' tree had been a Hawthorn, shame I am about 30 years too old and from a couple of hundred miles north!

As I am away with the Scouts this weekend I may not be able to post for a few days - see you soon.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Ok I am a little too old to be playing on the childrens apparatus at the park but I had been pushing Ada round and round on this for so long that I thought I deserved a play...

I experimented with some long shutter speeds to blur motion as I went round and round and round and round... but after a few minutes of that I was in danger of getting reacquainted with my Easter Sunday lunch (cushion of lamb from our local butcher, thanks Gerald!) so I took this one and got off pronto.


Monday, April 09, 2007


Ladybirds are a bit of a feature in my house, from the fancy dress costume hanging up in Ada's room to the large, sit-on, toy in the front room. However these two were enjoying a quiet lunch together today on the bank of the river heading towards Hankridge.
The holiday weekend is over, in less than five hours I have to get up and get ready for work again - ho hum! Hope you all had a good weekend wherever you are.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

The Balloon Has Gone Up

Just caught this flying over my house as I walked back from buying some cider ready for a night of football (soccer for our American friends) and boxing.
That's watching not taking part, obviously - cider might be partly responsible for some of the shenanigans that go on in town later but it's not drunk ringside as a rule!
It has been a lovely day, perfect for floating above us all, being pointed at by children, barked at by dogs and photographed by bloggers...

Thursday, April 05, 2007


I often wonder how much of our towns are unseen because they are above eye level.
I am going to start posting a series of rooftops and chimneys, as a way of making me expand my viewpoint if nobody else's! - apologies to all of you who read the nonsense I typed when I first posted this... and I hadn't even been drinking...


Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Another Head

Back to the court and another stone head on a doorway.

Once again I have no idea of its relevance or why it is guarding the door but I do think they look great.


Monday, April 02, 2007

Where is my bike?

Seen wandering through town...
Wonder if he found it eventually? ;)


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Bath Place

This is the bottom end of Bath Place - its a lovely shopping arcade in town.

Some great shops on here, the old WI shop I featured earlier, a fantastic fishmongers and a sandwich shop that do a great BLT!

I will feature some of the shops over the next few weeks.


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